Material Selection to Avoid Mechanical Failure10 Decembrie 2020

Ora: 18:00 (Romania)

For products involving safety, mechanical failure is unacceptable and must be avoided at all cost. This is particularly true for applications in aerospace and other transport systems, or bioengineering, as well as for many types of high-performance sports equipment. Therefore, extensive testing is usually needed during product development to prevent failures, for example, fracture or fatigue from occurring in service.

Ansys Granta Selector contains reliable data for a wide range of materials used in product development across all industries. Using this data early in the product design stage eliminates the need for physical testing — saving time and money. In this webinar, we will explore how the materials selection tools “Find Similar” and “Engineering Solver” now available in Ansys Granta EduPack can prevent material failure. These tools can be seen as complementary to finite element simulations to promote safe shape design.




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