ANSYS Academic


ANSYS Research

The analysis work performed with the Program(s) must be non-proprietary work. Licensee and its Contract Users must be or be affiliated with an academic facility. Licensee may additionally permit individuals who are students at such academic facility to access and use the Program(s). Such students will be considered Contract Users of Licensee. The Program(s) may not be used for competitive analysis (such as benchmarking) or for any commercial activity, including consulting.

  • Academic Teaching: These products may only be used for student instruction, student projects, and student demonstrations.

  • Academic Research: These products may only be used for degree and/or non-degree related research, student instruction, student projects, and student demonstrations.

  • Academic Associate: These products may only be used for industry related research, degree and/or non-degree related research, student instruction, student projects, and student demonstrations.



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