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Steel beam three-point bending test FEA simulation

A standard 103x106x2000 mm beam made of Structural Steel is subjected to a three-point bending test. The imposed displacement at mid-section is 60 mm. Material was modeled using bi-linear plasticity, with an yield stress of 250 MPa. Computational domain was reduced to one-fourth by applying two symmetry conditions. Since for this case it’s quite easy to set up, a fully structured mesh was built, containing just 2192 SOLID186 elements (high-order, 20-node hexa). Solving takes only 2 minutes using an 8-core CPU. The maximum calculated reaction force on the top cylinder is 18.3 kN in Y direction. Significant plastic deformation occurs (max. plastic strain 8.3%) and large residual stresses are noted. Mesh density is fine enough to capture the highly non-linear deformations at the top surface of the beam, around the contact line. Springback is also visible.

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