Simulation of high-pressure nozzle using Particleworks (MPS method). Design characteristics: operating pressure 80 bar, water flow rate approx. 14.6 liters/min., spray angle 25 deg. The numerical model uses the design flow rate as boundary condition (inlet); the calculated inlet pressure reaches 83 bar (+3.8%); the exit velocity is 140 m/s; the estimated spray angle is practically identical to the design value. Other model data: particle size 0.075 mm, peak no. of particles approx. 1.2 million, time step size 5e-07 s, total simulated time 1.5 ms. Simulation effort was 1h50m on a GeForce RTX 2070 GPU. The animations show the Number Density and Particle Velocity in the first half, using a cropped (XZ plane) representation; the second half presents the evolution of the spray free surface, taking advantage of the ability of Particleworks to compute interpolating 3D surfaces from the particle cloud, as a post-processing step.