Reliable Battery Thermal Management Using Ansys Fluent15 September 2020

Ora: 12:30 (Romania)

Following the growing concerns over petroleum supplies and air pollution, electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are being developed and refined as cost-effective and reliable alternatives to conventional gasoline and diesel engines. The race is on to design electric batteries which will power these new class of vehicles. A key concern in the development of lithium-ion battery packs for EVs is thermal management. The temperature of all cells must be strictly maintained within a just few temperature degrees across the entire pack. Engineers around the globe use simulation to analyze the temperature inside the battery pack configuration.

The function mock-up interface is an open standard for exchanging dynamical simulation between different tools. This provides engineering teams a way to effectively and safely export complex simulation models as functional mock-up units (FMUs). FMUs act as black boxes, connecting the simulation software to perform system simulation.

Ansys Fluent provides capability to import FMU and perform battery thermal analysis. This enables the designer to simulate different battery electrochemistry models using a FMU import, analyze temperature variations inside battery packs and optimize their cooling systems.

This webinar spotlights how Ansys Fluent helps designers efficiently perform battery thermal management to significantly improve battery life and reliability.

  • Learn about the new battery modeling capability (FMU Import) in Fluent.
  • Understand how to set a battery thermal analysis model for FMU import.
  • Explore how to analyze and post-process battery thermal management results.



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