Differential Via Optimization with Ansys HFSS 3D Layout and Ansys optiSLang11 March 2021

Ora: 17:00 (Romania)

This webinar highlights how to use Ansys optiSLang to gain the most insight into a HFSS 3D Layout differential via design for performance optimization. Additionally, we will discuss optiSLang’s role in  analyzing how manufacturing tolerances impact the yield of fabricated devices.

During the webinar, using a sensitivity analysis, optiSLang will create a metamodel describing the differential via performance over all possible geometry combinations in the design space. This metamodel will assess which of the input parameters have the largest impact on the device response, allowing users to narrow the design space. Additionally, the differential via performance will be enhanced using the insight of the metamodel and prevents getting stuck in a local optimum.

Additionally, using robustness analysis in optiSLang, we will explore how manufacturing tolerances will impact the yield of the optimized differential via. The robustness analysis will show what percentage of manufactured devices fails a specified design requirement. This analysis will also indicate which of the manufacturing tolerances must be improved in order to increase the yield.



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