A Simple, Easy Trick to Model a Battery Module/Pack Using Ansys Fluent22 Decembrie 2020

Ora: 18:00 (Romania)

With the growth of the electric vehicle market, the demand for smaller and lighter batteries with greater capacity has never been higher. A simple, comprehensive option for a lithium-ion (Li-ion) cell, based on a multiscale, multidimensional (MSMD) battery modeling methodology, has been developed in Ansys Fluent to study the cell-to-cell temperature variation or maximum temperature in the module. This option helps you to investigate the cell-to-cell temperature variation and maximum temperature in an Li-ion battery module/pack much more easily. This webinar reveals the details of this option and demonstrates an example of testing MSMD models with and without this option.

What you will learn:

  • Get a tour of the Fluent battery modeling options.
  • Learn how to model the battery module or pack in a much simpler way.
  • Learn how to validate the model.





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