Overcoming Corrosion in Heat Exchangers18 November 2020

Ora: 18:00 (Romania)

Competing requirements necessitate picking the best material while considering all the factors present in a harsh service environment. But how do you get access to the most relevant data, choose the best material and validate your choice?

Using a case study of a heat exchanger in a desalination plant, we demonstrate how to use Ansys GRANTA Selector to quickly select metal candidates that can resist the corrosive environment.

Simultaneously, we look to reduce material cost while ensuring material availability and suitability for existing manufacturing methods — all while meeting demanding performance requirements. We use a combination of our complete and fully comparable MaterialUniverse™ dataset and our in-depth Global Metals Specifications data to consider all relevant metals options.

We conclude by showing the capability of Ansys GRANTA Selector to output this data in simulation-ready form into the Ansys Workbench platform for further detailed investigation with Ansys flagship products.



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