Optical and Radiometric Simulation for Biomedical Applications20 October 2020

Ora: 12:00 (Romania)

The employment of optical methods in biomedical technologies has grown in recent years. Light used for imaging, diagnostics or even therapy is an ideal tool because it is powerful, less expensive than CT or PET imaging alternatives and the implications for the patient are usually quite negligible.

The development of new methods and instruments requires an in-depth understanding of light’s propagation and interaction with biomedical samples. Ansys simulation tools are thus required to model the properties of the instrument and the tissue sample or the organ under investigation. To calculate light propagation of the involved media, cutting-edge simulation solutions are required. Additionally, optical properties of the media, especially its spectrally resolved scattering and absorption parameters, must be determined.

This webinar explores basic concepts for calculating the light propagation in biological tissues (e.g. using Monte Carlo simulations) and for determining scattering and absorption spectra of biological tissues. Examples of optical simulations for biomedical applications will be presented and several use cases for Ansys optical modeling of biomedical systems will be discussed.



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