Ansys Maxwell in Ansys 2021 R1 More Detailed Simulation for Electric Drive Applications28 January 2021

Ora: 18:00 (Romania)

Join us to learn about new capabilities for electric motors design, power electronics and simulation available in Ansys 2021 R1. It includes powerful new features for solving large and complex designs faster than ever.

New features include:

  • A cyclic repeatability simulation technique for electric motor applications. The analysis has been improved by efficiently solving just a slice of the motor, employing non-planar boundary conditions, using a symmetric mesh and replicating results to the full model. 
  • A method to output transient electromagnetic forces from Maxwell into Ansys Motion. This extends electromagnetic interaction to rigid body dynamics to enhance the overall noise-vibration solution. 
  • A Maxwell transient solver with multi-terminal conductor support on a single conduction path. A typical application is simulation design of power busbar topologies with multiple terminals and mixed-type excitations. 
  • State-of-the-art reduced-order modeling (ROM) and parameter identification capabilities. The enhancements ensure good performance of a poly-phase induction machine drive and accurate performance prediction. 
  • A materials database for simulation with 1,936 materials spread from 93 producers.



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