Ansys Fluent Fault-Tolerant Meshing Workflow for Rapidly Meshing Even the Most Challenging Geometries Workshop27 August 2020

Ora: 20:00 (Romania)

Many important and complex CFD simulation workflows contain dirty, non-watertight geometries, typically requiring extensive clean-up and repair prior to meshing. Join Ansys for a workshop and learn how Ansys Fluent’s Fault-Tolerant Meshing workflow may be used to simplify and speed up meshing for even the dirtiest geometries with no geometry preparation required. The current 2020R2 release will be used and recently added new features will be highlighted.

During this workshop we will cover the following topics:

  • Reduce time for meshing dirty non-watertight geometries with a single-window, task-based workflow in Ansys Fluent
  • Demonstration of the enhanced workflow and task-based Fault-Tolerant Meshing workflow in Ansys Fluent.



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