Speeding Up Ansys Mechanical Simulations with High-Performance Computing27 August 2020

Ora: 18:00 (Romania)

Do your Ansys simulations require significant runtime? Are you pleased with the speed you’ve achieved with your current high-performance computing (HPC) licenses?

When MicroConsult began running simulations a decade ago, a typical simulation would take weeks to conclude. Over the years, with the help of software enhancements and new hardware capabilities, these runtimes are now reduced to a few hours.

This webinar provides expert insights for slashing your simulation runtimes with HPC and delivers real-world case study examples that spotlight how companies use HPC to get faster results and obtain a critical competitive edge in the marketplace. Additionally, we will examine existing bottlenecks and explore cutting-edge Ansys tools for solving them.

  • Learn how to radically reduce your simulation runtimes with HPC.
  • Receive expert tips on selecting HPC hardware, interconnects, and storage resources.
  • Explore Ansys software activation features (e.g. contact small sliding and contact splitting).




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